Take a Good neighbor pledge to help reduce Global Warming
Replace 5 frequently used incandescent lightbulbs with compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs)
Keep shades closed in the summer and open in the winter
Purchase an Energy Star appliance (refrigerator, washer, dryer, stove, dishwasher)
Use air-dry setting on your dishwasher
Plant a tree native to your area
Install a low-flow showerhead
Cut your shower time by 5 minutes
Run your dishwasher and washing machine only when full
Fix leaking or dripping faucets or toilets
Set your thermostat 2 degrees lower in the winter and 2 degrees higher in the summer
Run your dishwasher and washing machine only when full
Reduce your hot water heater temperature by 10 degrees
Turn off your PC and monitor when not in use
Unplug electronic devices or put them on a power strip and turn it off when not in use
Purchase a more energy-efficient vehicle (+5 MPG over your current vehicle)
Combine errands and drive 10 fewer miles per week
Keep your car well-maintained
Keep your car off the road one day a week by tele-working, carpooling, riding a bike, or taking public transportation
Install automatic timers on outdoor lights
Drive the speed limit
Turn off lights when you're not using them
Keep your tires properly inflated
Upgrade your insulation
Wrap your water heater in an insulated blanket (if it is older than 1989 and it's not a gas water heater)
Replace your old hot water heater
Get a home energy audit and implement it
Recycle aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic, paper, and newspaper
Purchase recycled household paper products
Bring your own reusable bags to the grocery store
Drink filtered tap water instead of bottled water
Eat locally-grown produce once a week
Aparana Chauhan
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